Valentine’s Day Direct Mail 


Our internal marketing team’s vision was to run a Valentine’s Day campaign that captured our tone of voice and aligned with every aspect of the Birch brand.

Armed with a list of lapsed customer and prospective customer contact details, our vision was to create an impactful campaign showcasing our new website, and capturing our target audience’s attention with the ultimate goal of attracting new business.

A direct mail campaign was the natural choice given the fact that millions of Valentine’s cards are given and received on Valentine’s Day each year.



We started the creative process using a ‘Perfect Match’ theme. Our collaborative nature is in our DNA, so we knew this theme would suit who we are and how we work.

To build this theme visually, we found a perfect image with matchsticks forming the shape of a heart. We wanted to keep the messaging inside the card simple and intrigue our prospects by simply asking the question, ‘Could we be the perfect match?’. This was followed by a QR code call-to-action leading to a themed landing page to conclude the question.

For our lapsed customers, we chose a classic red and white heart themed card which read ‘We miss you’ repeated inside the heart. Each of our sale’s manager’s wanted to hand write the copy inside, adding a friendly personal touch to this campaign.

We split the internal card content, with half of them showing a QR code CTA and half a direct dial CTA, so that we could test and measure which one worked better.

The envelope addresses were all printed in a realistic handwritten font, and the inclusion of a real stamp really added to the authenticity of the campaign and boosted it’s overall impact.

Each personalised card had to be matched up to the correctly addressed envelope ahead of being dispatched and delivered on the 14th February. All recipients then received a call from our sales team a day or so later.

Services & Products Used


Print Fulfilment & Delivery

Design for Print

Print & Print Management


We’d never done a Valentine’s Day campaign before so we were very curious as to how it would be received. Our follow-up conversations with recipients did not disappoint, resulting in some face to face meetings and positive conversations with prospects on how we could be the perfect match for them. A great campaign and a thumbs up from the Birch team!

Could we help with your next direct mail campaign?

Email or call 0115 951 2468 to chat to our team.

Let’s work together to deliver an impactful, results-driven campaign.


–––––––––––––– If you can see it and touch it, we can brand it for you ––––––––––––––


Lovely words from our customers…