Valentine’s Day Instore Vinyl


Several times a year we print in-store window vinyl for Clogau; a unique Welsh jeweller, with the only gold mine in the UK. With 15 own stores and over 300 stockists across the UK, our brief is to print, pack and despatch the vinyl, complete with personalised letter and instruction sheet to selected stores in time for the seasonal promotion to start. The vinyl need to be applied to Clogau’s specific cabinets and counter displays beautifully and provide a hint of seasonal je ne sais quoi. The Birch team always enjoy seeing what designs the Clogau studio will create each season.

Valentine’s day is the perfect time of year for Clogau’s sales so it’s vital we get it right!


Clogau supplied Birch with the artwork for their seasonal promotion and you guessed it, the Valentine’s Day seasonal artwork mostly contains hearts and the colour pink! This year Clogau sent a 3D effect hanging paper heart design with different hues of pink, reminding the Birch team very much of the Pantone colour of the year Viva Magenta!

We always need to ensure the vinyl has an easy application (as this is done in store by the retail team, not visual merchandisers), and the vinyl grip must be smooth and optically clear to provide a seamless finish on the glass displays for 96 Clogau stores/stockists across the country. Alongside this, we also provided large window vinyl for a select few stores, which complemented the promo.

Services Used

Print Management Services

Point of Sale Design 


Print Fulfilment & Delivery 


Design for Print 


Another successful Valentine’s print promotion for Clogau this year. Head office are left free to concentrate on other marketing projects, knowing that the stores will have received everything they need and will be radiating a flawlessly romantic feel ahead of the big day on the 14th of February 2023.
–––––––––––––– If you can see it and touch it, we can brand it for you ––––––––––––––


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