The Birch team are pleased to announce that our new website is very much live and kicking! Our team set to work on...
Birch Print are supporting the Kick Start Scheme in 2021!
The Birch Team are kick-starting 2021 by supporting the Department for Work and Pension's Kick Start Employment...
Birch goes green!
We're keen on green at Birch Over the last few years our green economy has been a hot topic quite literally. In 2020,...
Want to build a strong and identifiable brand?
Before we dive straight in, what brands spring to mind when you think of ‘strong brands’? We bet you can recall their...
Pre and Post Exhibition Tactics Marketers need to know
We spilled the secrets to a successful exhibition in one of our latest posts and now we want to dive deeper into pre...
[Slideshare] Secrets to a Successful Exhibition for Marketers
If you’re considering exhibiting, then you will have already acquainted yourself with the benefits it can bring....
The Secrets to a Successful Exhibition for Marketers
If you’re considering exhibiting, then you will have already acquainted yourself with the benefits it can bring....
Increase Brand Awareness While Reducing Plastic Waste – Branded Travel Mugs
Recently in the news, we’ve seen that the consequences of our love for coffee on-the-go, are getting more serious....
How to use direct mail throughout your marketing funnel
Ask any other fellow marketer and they will probably agree that writing a marketing strategy is no easy task. A good...
How to be a more focused and productive marketer
Step inside any marketing department, in any business, and nine times out of ten the atmosphere is buzzing with...
How To Achieve Stress Free Printing
The secret behind stress free printing is making sure that you plan the whole process properly. The process is key....
[SlideShare] How Will GDPR Affect Direct Marketing?
GDPR is one of the hottest topics in business and especially direct marketing. Starting on 25th May 2018, all...